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Issue 6 on the March 19th 2024 ballot is a renewal of a ¼% earned income tax for the City of Dayton originally approved by Dayton voters in November 2016. The ¼% applies only to earned income for people who work or live in Dayton. With voter approval, it will not increase taxes but will keep Dayton’s income tax at 2.5% for a period of eight years (2025-2032). There is broad agreement that renewing the ¼% is the fairest way to address Dayton’s needs, because:

  • As a renewal, it is not a tax increase but a continuation of an existing tax on earned income.

  • It will NOT tax Social Security, pensions, interest, retirement, or investment income.

  • More than half will be paid by those who live outside Dayton, but work here and use city services.

  • The average investment for someone earning $40,000 a year is about $8 per month. 

  • It maintains a full (2.5%) credit for Dayton residents who pay earned income taxes to other cities.

Q: Why is the issue needed?

Dayton has made a great deal of progress since 2016, and a renewal of the City’s ¼% earned income tax will provide the resources necessary for continuous investments in our neighborhoods, including:

  • Keeping high-quality emergency medical response and fire protection.

  • Addressing needed repairs, repaving, and maintenance of residential road resurfacing.

  • Providing affordable, quality preschool for Dayton 3- and 4-year-olds. 

  • Continuing neighborhood safety with community-responsive policing.

  • Providing housing services/investments throughout the city.

  • Keeping city parks and lots mowed and well maintained.

This renewal levy does not increase taxes. It keeps our vital city services strong, ensures equity amongst all city neighborhoods, and maintains our City’s progress.


Q: What if I live in Dayton but work elsewhere?

With renewal of the ¼% earned income tax, residents of Dayton will continue to receive credit for earned income tax paid to other cities at 2.5% – as they have since 2017.


Q: How will this affect policing in Dayton?

With voter approval of Issue 6, we can continue to improve community safety through collaborative partnerships with community members, neighborhoods, and the business community. The police department will work to expand staffing and resources in areas experiencing an increase in property and violent crimes and work to implement a comprehensive community approach to specifically address gun crime. This investment will also provide for an increase in the responsible use of technology, and crime data analytics, which will ultimately strengthen community policing initiatives.


Q: How will this affect fire protection and EMS in Dayton?

With voter approval of Issue 6, the Fire Department will be able to continue its vital efforts to prevent fires and the loss of life and property. Importantly, based on the industry standards, as of 2024, the City is in need of replacing three engines and two medics to continue providing the needed emergency services – and renewal of this issue makes that possible.


Q: How will this affect the availability of affordable quality preschool in Dayton?

Voter approval of this investment will provide needed high-quality, affordable preschool for Dayton’s 3- and 4-year-olds. Tuition assistance will continue to be available to Dayton residents with children who attend a rated program in Montgomery County through a tiered system based on family income, household size, and the quality rating level of the preschool. Without passage of this issue, the supply of affordable, high-quality preschool seats will be less than the demand – leaving many families with difficult choices regarding the critical beginning to their child’s education and chance at future success.


Q: How will this affect maintenance of parks and City lots?

Voter approval of this issue will provide needed funding for mowing and maintaining boulevards and vacant lots to ensure they are not an eyesore, a safety risk, or a health issue for Dayton’s neighborhoods and families. This issue also allows Dayton to address needs associated with updating our parks amenities, including playgrounds, courts, equipment, and facilities. Over the past seven years the City has invested nearly $2.0 million including 25 park improvement projects for 20 city parks. Although, $1.6 million in park improvements are also being funded from ARPA, an additional $4.8 million is needed to upgrade all city parks and park amenities.


Q: How will this affect housing services and investments in Dayton?

With voter approval of Issue 6, the City will be able to significantly expand critical homeowner repair funding programs for residents and improve the quality and number of affordable rental units across the City. These investments with Issue 6 – $5.2 million over eight years – will assist Dayton seniors with aging in place, improve the quality of our neighborhoods, and increase the accessibility of quality, affordable housing.


Q: How will this affect streets in Dayton?

With voter approval of Issue 6, we can continue to address needed repairs, repaving, and maintenance of Dayton streets citywide. The City has more than 1,000 residential lane miles, and the cost to pave residential roads has increased nearly 60% over the course of seven years (from $86,000 per lane mile in 2017 to $137,000 per lane mile in 2023). Due to this substantial unexpected increase, the number of lane miles paved has decreased by nearly 15 in 2023 when compared to 2017. Although the average residential PCI is 72 at the end of the 2023 paving season, 29 of the 65 total City neighborhoods are not enjoying satisfactory road conditions (PCI rating of 70). This issue is critically needed to continue the resurfacing in our needed neighborhoods.


Q: When would the issue go into effect and how long will the ¼% last?

With voter approval, the issue will renew – with no tax increase – starting January 1, 2025. The ¼% renewal is proposed for eight years (2025-2032). After eight years, it can only be renewed by a vote of the people in a public election.


Q: Who gets to vote on this issue?

Residents of the City of Dayton who are active registered voters will get to vote on this issue. People who live outside the city limits will not.


Q: How much will Issue 6 cost taxpayers?

As a renewal, this issue won’t increase Dayton’s earned income tax from its current rate. A renewal of the ¼% is an average investment of about $8 per month for someone earning $40,000 a year. This includes people who live outside Dayton but work here and use city services. 


Q: Who will pay the ¼%?

The ¼% applies to all people working in Dayton – regardless of where they live – and working residents of Dayton. In fact, more than half will be paid by those who live outside the city, but work here and use city services. It does not tax Social Security, pensions, investment, interest, or retirement income. It only applies to earned income.


Q: When is the election?

Election Day is Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Early voting begins February 21, 2023.


Q: What can I do to help?

Order a yard sign, endorse the issue, sign-up to receive our emails so you can stay up to date on campaign news and events, visit our “Get Involved” tab to sign-up for volunteer opportunities, follow the campaign on social media, share our website with your Dayton friends and neighbors, and – most importantly – vote FOR Issue 6 on or before March 19!

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